For descriptions of all our report-type publication series, visit our Report Series Descriptions page. Search Publication ID Publication Type - Any -Alberta Table of FormationBulletinDataEarth Sciences NoteEarth Sciences ReportEconomic Geology ReportGeo-NoteInformation SeriesInteractive App or MapJournalMapMemoirModelOpen File ReportPosterPresentationReportShort CourseSpecial ReportShowing 1 of 1Publication NameAuthor(s)Published DateIntroduction to Coal Sampling Techniques for the Petroleum Industry: Coal Bed Methane SeriesType: Information SeriesPublication ID: INF 111Updated: Sep 18, 2024Download (PDF)Stuhec, S., Bures, S., Jordan, G., Marchioni, D., Hulatt, E., Langenberg, C.W., McCandlish, M., Dawson, F.M., Cave, G.J., Kahill, A., Strobl, R.S., Nikols, D.J., Bielenstein, H., Meyer, R.Oct 11, 1990