Digital Data 2016-0003
Author(s) | Date | 2017-04-23 |
This digital data release includes bulk mineralogical composition data from X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of selected samples from Alberta stratigraphic units evaluated for their shale- and siltstone-hosted hydrocarbon resource potential. The strata evaluated include the
- basal Banff Formation,
- Colorado Group,
- Duvernay Formation,
- Exshaw Formation,
- Montney Formation,
- Muskwa Formation,
- Wilrich Member,
- Nordegg Member, and
- Rierdon Formation.
Data for other stratigraphic units are also included in this file: bad heart formation, bantry shale member, barons sandstone member, beaverhill lake group, belle fourche formation, belloy formation, blackstone formation, bluesky formation, cadotte member, cardium formation, colorado group, contact rapids formation, doig formation, dunvegan formation, fernie formation, first white specks member, fish scales formation, fort simpson formation, gething formation, grand rapids formation, halfway formation, ireton formation, joli fou formation, kaskapau formation, kootenay group, lea park formation, loon river formation, majeau lake member, mannville group, medicine hat member, muskiki formation, nikanassin formation, ostracod beds, paddy member, palliser formation, peace river formation, pekisko formation, pelican formation, poker chip shale, red river formation, sawtooth formation, second white specks formation, shaftesbury formation, slave point formation, swan hills formation, swift formation, viking formation, wapiabi formation, waterways formation, westgate formation, wilrich member, winnipegosis formation.
NTS Keywords
Bulk mineralogy from x-ray diffraction analysis of Alberta stratigraphic units evaluated for shale- and siltstone-hosted hydrocarbon resource potential (tabular data, tab-delimited format); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Digital Data 2016-0002.