Digital Data 2017-0016
Author(s) | Date | 2017-04-23 |
This grid dataset is part of the 3D stratigraphic model of west-central Alberta (WCAB). The grid is a rendering of the thickness and distribution of sediment overlying the WCAB bedrock topography.
The thickness and distribution of sediments overlying the bedrock surface in WCAB is highly varied, ranging from less than 1 m to as much as 125 m. These sediments include Paleogene fluvial deposits, glaciogenic materials deposited during Quaternary glaciation, as well as postglacial sediments.
This dataset supplements Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) Report 93, which includes a full description of the process used to produce the sediment thickness grid.
Place Keywords
Atkinson, L.A. and Hartman, G.M.D. (2017): West-central Alberta regional stratigraphic model - sediment thickness (gridded data, ASCII format); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Digital Data 2017-0016.