Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
DIG 2004-0034
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2004-0034
This GIS dataset is a result of the compilation of all existing Alberta Geological Survey sand and gravel geology and resource data into digital format. Data sources include Alberta Geological Survey maps and reports produced between 1976 and 2006.
References are provided as an attribute so the user can refer back to the original maps and reports. Attributes include study level, material description, references, area, sand and gravel thickness, and gravel and sand volumes.
In 2009, data from newly mapped area NTS 83N/NE were added.
Place Keywords
Place Keywords NTS
72e, 72l, 72m, 73d, 73e, 73l, 73m, 74d, 74e, 74l, 74m, 82g, 82h, 82i, 82j, 82n, 82o, 82p, 83a, 83b, 83c, 83d, 83e, 83f, 83g, 83h, 83i, 83j, 83k, 83l, 83m, 83n, 83o, 83p, 84a, 84b, 84c, 84d, 84e, 84f, 84g, 84h, 84i, 84j, 84k, 84l, 84m, 84n, 84o, 84p
Theme Keywords
aggregate, geology, gis data, gravel, sand, sand and gravel, surficial