Sand and Gravel Deposits with Aggregate Potential, Edson, Alberta (NTS 83F)

Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
MAP 283
Publication ID Extended
Map 283

The map is a compilation of all existing Alberta Geological Survey sand and gravel geology and resource data for the NTS area. Data sources include Alberta Geological Survey maps and reports produced between 1976 and 2002.

The 1:250 000 scale map outlines the areal extent of sand and gravel deposits with aggregate potential. The deposit colour indicates the character of the material (ratio of sand to gravel and amount of fines) in the deposit. The map also shows Alberta Geological Survey drillhole and site locations.

Two inset maps display the study level and genesis or geological feature of the deposits. Study level describes the degree to which the Alberta Geological Survey investigated each deposit. The genesis or geological feature inset map indicates the geological process that formed each deposit.

Erratum: Very dirty deposits are missing on this map due to a database linkage error during map production. Digital dataset 2004-0034, Alberta Sand and Gravel Deposits with Aggregate Potential (GIS data, polygon features), contains the correct information for this map area.

Place Keywords
alberta, edson
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
aggregate, geology, gravel, sand, surficial