Sand and Gravel Site Investigations, McLennan Area, Alberta (NTS 83N) (GIS data, point features)

Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
DIG 2009-0070
Publication ID Extended
Digital Data 2009-0070

This dataset results from mapping the surficial geology, and sand and gravel deposits with aggregate potential in the McLennan area (NTS 83N). This shapefile shows where materials and geology were observed at natural outcrops, sand and gravel pits, hand auger holes, and excavations dug by a backhoe. The type, thickness and order of the observed materials are described in the attribute table.

Map 536 is a PDF version generated from the shapefiles.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, mclennan
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
aggregate, geology, gis data, sand and gravel, surficial