In 2016, the Alberta Geological Survey published the landslide susceptibility model of the Alberta Plains and Canadian Shield regions using a machine learning prediction that ranked the similarity of geological, physiographic, and climate conditions relative to locations affected by landslides. This document describes an update to this model (version 2) that makes use of more defined topographic information derived from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) DEM data, and incorporates new landslide locations, which were compiled from multiple data sources including high-resolution, multitemporal satellite imagery and ground deformation monitoring from satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). Version 2 of the landslide susceptibility model provides a more accurate prediction of where future landslides or landslide reactivations are likely to occur, because the model incorporates new information relating to the spatial distribution of historically active landslides. The Alberta Geological Survey has also published a map portraying the information in the new model, the digital raster data, and a compilation of historical landslide locations.
Pawley, S.M., Chowdhury, S., Hartman, G.M.D., Chao, D.K. and Samsonov, S.V. (2022): Relative landslide susceptibility model of the Alberta Plains and shield regions, version 2: technical documentation; Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Open File Report 2022-02, 30 p.