This report presents the results and findings of a hydrogeological mapping project conducted by the Alberta Geological Survey to better understand groundwater conditions in an area of west-central Alberta, centred on the Town of Fox Creek. This study used fluid pressure, fluid chemistry, and temperature data to map the hydrogeological properties of 24 bedrock formations or grouped geological units spanning from the Upper Cretaceous Wapiti Formation, at depths of less than 500 m, to the base of the Cambrian succession, at depths of over 4000 m. For each formation or unit, maps were created showing aquifer delineation based on water-recovering drillstem tests, potentiometric surface, total dissolved solids, and water driving force. In addition to the hydrogeological mapping, pressure-elevation plots were created to examine vertical pressure gradients and hydraulic communication between formations. Water chemistry data were also analyzed using Piper plots and major ion data to determine the chemical composition of the formation water. The pressure gradients and Piper plots provide a summary of groundwater conditions at the regional-scale and can be used to understand the hydrogeological characteristics for deep saline formations in west-central Alberta.
Nakevska, N., Brinsky, J., and Singh, A. (2021): Hydrogeological mapping of saline aquifers in west-central Alberta; Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Report 100, 148 p.