This dataset is a compilation of industrial mineral occurrences in Alberta which was produced for Map 590, Minerals of Alberta. This dataset provides an update to the Alberta Industrial Mineral Deposits and Occurrences (AMDO) digital file, published in 2010 (DIG 2003-0014). The updated dataset contains 1460 records including current producers, past producers, exploration projects, prospects, and other types of occurrences of industrial minerals in the province. Materials included are: ammolite, ammonite, bentonite, calcium, magnesium, lithium, boron, bromine, iodine, limestone, dolomite, sandstone, siltstone, granite, quartzite, other stones, clay, shale, salt, potash, gypsum, sodium sulphate, marl, tufa, phosphate, silica sand, pumicite, sulphur, fly ash, humalite, and sand and gravel.
This dataset is part of a package of data produced to support the creation of AGS Map 590, Minerals of Alberta. The package includes datasets of Prospective Areas for Mineral Exploration (DIG 2019-0025), Metallic Mineral Occurrences of Alberta (DIG 2019-0026), Kiimberlite and Ultrabasic Intrusions of Alberta (DIG 2019-0028), Lithium Content in Groundwater and Formation Water in Alberta (DIG 2019-0029), references (txt), and a description of the methodology (Map 590 Information Document).
Lopez, G.P.; Budney, H.D.; Weiss, J.A.; Jean, G.M. (2020); Industrial Mineral Occurrences of Alberta (tabular data, tab-delimited format); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2019-0027.