This dataset is a compilation of lithium content in groundwater and formation waters from published geochemical datasets and compilations. Data includes all lithium concentrations found in published AGS datasets and industry mineral assessment reports. In total there are 1635 records, of which 87 records have lithium content greater than 75 mg/L. Seventeen analyses have a lithium content greater or equal to 100 mg/L (up to 140 mg/L) and occur within the Middle to Upper Devonian Swan Hills Formation, and Upper Devonan Leduc and Nisku formations of central and west-central Alberta.
This dataset is part of a package of data produced to support the creation of AGS Map 590, Minerals of Alberta. The package includes datasets of Prospective Areas for Mineral Exploration (DIG 2019-0025), Metallic Mineral Occurrences of Alberta (DIG 2019-0026), Industrial Mineral Occurrences of Alberta (DIG 2019-0027), Kiimberlite and Ultrabasic Intrusions of Alberta (DIG 2019-0028), references (txt) and methodology (Map 590 Information Document).
Lopez, G.P.; Weiss, J.A.; Pawlowicz, J.G. (2020); Lithium Content in Groundwater and Formation Water in Alberta (tabular data, tab-delimited format); Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Digital Data 2019-0029.